
Prevention of irregular menstruation Taboos

Contraindication an overload of work is not desirable: With the development of commodity economy, increasing competition, the pace of work of the modern career women increasingly tense, mentally prone to enormous pressure overload state of mental and physical health is very unfavorable. This time to pay attention to reasonable rest, pay attention to regulate the time. Do any work, the degree of relaxation, rational organization of work, study and life, doing physical exercise. Taboo two, not blindly to lose weight: Heart of beauty in everyone, especially professional women, many people trying to lose excess body fat, weight loss tea, weight loss meals, Hu fat weight loss, various weight loss measures dazzling. The dieter want speed paid off, desperately dieting, the result is weight loss, the body has collapsed. Three taboos, tobacco and alcohol is crucial: women smoking, drinking for their harm is large. Than men. Smoking women the incidence of heart disease is 10 times higher than normal, premature menopause 1-3 years, pregnant smokers have a deformed child is 2.5 times that of non-smokers, Jiejiuxiaochou worry more worry. Zhigu the bulkhead bitter drink large amounts of alcohol enter the body, first, nervous system damage, loss of self-control, more importantly, young women drunk easily subjected to sexual harassment, which floral lace corset is very dangerous.

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