
Smoking, alcohol, healthy life: going to do my father, mother, you, if there are smoking and drinking habits should quit. The chemicals in cigarettes will directly limit the growth of the fetus, reducing fetal cells, including the number of brain cells. Liquor in any period of pregnancy, regardless of how many have an impact on the fetus. Alcohol through the placenta into the fetal blood and damage the internal organs and organ development of the fetus, causing a variety of malformations.

The development of new financial plan: the arrival of children is not only one of the family to create a joyful, family economic status is before pregnancy should be considered. Some people say "equal to raise a child for a house," Indeed, from the prenatal to the first inspection you will begin to pay various fees for the baby, so the best arrangements in the family had some savings after pregnancy. Away from the hazardous environment: Avoid planning a pregnancy and throughout pregnancy exposure to a harmful environment. Quasi-pregnant and pregnant women are the best do not live in the newly renovated room. Decorative materials in the newly renovated rooms, new furniture, more or less harmful organic solvents, adhesives and other adults may not have a big impact, but the fetus is in the development of various organ systems cause irreversible damage. In addition, more than eight hours a day of computer operation is not enough healthy, OL family in the planning, pregnancy and pregnancy fashion sexy set bikini swimwear panties-china should be at least every three hours to leave the air conditioning, computers, copiers rich environment to the outdoors through a breathable. Also note, not contraception, especially later in the menstrual or in the period of time, careful to do radiological examination, such as fluoroscopy, X-rays. Health adjustment of diet: If pregnant, it is necessary to set aside their own dietary modification time, the sooner action, the higher the probability of pregnancy, gave birth to a healthy baby, the greater the probability. Both spouses need to adhere to a balanced diet and nutrition, as far as possible from the natural food, rather than just rely on nutritional supplements. While avoiding excessive intake of deep-processing, food containing large amounts of additives, for your body to create an environment conducive to fetal growth.

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