
Lead: In the era of breast Wind popular, what kind of breast advantage. Of course, protect the chest, lingerie chest strong stand up naturally is one of a breast enhancement method. Mostly flat chested women will wear breast underwear to achieve breast purposes. But you have mastered the right breast underwear worn it? Myth four you need to know about breast underwear! Every woman wants their body is perfect, every woman and strive to perfect. Come up with a variety of trick breast, or wearing breast lingerie chest big up the illusion to achieve the effect of breast. Wear breast underwear Breast wear breast underwear skills. The curve and body characteristics of each person is different, and solutions to suit the remedy. To be alert to wear underwear, underwear Le skin tight will make breast deformity, breathing difficulties. Misunderstanding of the four breast underwear, you must know, do not let yourself get into trouble cause physical harm.
Myth: The body sculpting underwear Le pain is normal. Body sculpting underwear are generally in order to show the slender figure, seen to be thin, people unknowingly muscle growth changes, or not grow, in order to slim down. Body sculpting underwear are with abdomen slender to set off the great chest. In fact, this is not correct. Correct shaping underwear should not produce pain. If personal clothing are not comfortable to wear, so why should we wear underwear it? Myth: As long as not worn on there role, can continue to wear. Generally speaking, a high-quality products can wear for several years. But after a few years, or a not very good quality product, a long time there will be damage. Damage underwear are in fact already do not have the efficacy, or efficacy has been reduced to a minimum. Shaping underwear even if not broken, but as long as there is lax, body sculpting underwear has expired. If all girls are like this want, then the underwear manufacturing plant it is difficult to survive. The efficacy of underwear is to protect the chest, so that the shape of the chest is more beautiful. The underwear is not only a failure of the United States, but also the shape of the chest growth does not look good. Myth: I'm still young, she is also very good. Do not wear old to say. Postpartum need to recover the body of the female body proportions of poor women and local fat people need to wear body sculpting underwear. After Blue Silver Heavy Brocade Corset the 25-year-old female breasts will sag trend, then there should be aware of your body slow down the aging. Concerned about changes in his chest, in order to protect his chest. Myth: It is the new gospel of the weight loss losers. In fact, this is not necessarily. The purpose of wearing body sculpting underwear is one of the control of appetite and sense of the constraints of the waist can make the meal will not eat a lot. Body sculpting underwear main role is to adjust the distribution of body fat, curvy figure. Control of underwear will make eating less, just to maintain the body's daily intake, to keep fit, not to reduce the weight. Breast underwear four errors, the wrong idea aside, so that their choice of underwear idea, so as to allow the healthy development of his chest. Long too Front Embroidery and Bow Blue Corset long to wear breast underwear will also have some hidden dangers you wear breast underwear to achieve the effect of breast girls to remember.

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