
Parents through the baby story, a great help to improve the baby's verbal skills and logical thinking ability. In addition. Also helps train the children to listen to the reading habits and interest in literature, germination children initially feel and performance of the taste of beauty. The Stay-up fence net stockings process of telling stories to the baby and parents to provide more opportunities to communicate the relationship between the baby and parents to become more intimate. Language is the best human language can narrow the distance of the mother and child, the baby will feel the mother's cordial. Mother through the language of the children can be attached to the characteristics of the co-baby age, very good understanding of the baby to accept it is also relatively easy. If the mother can use again the language of the child to talk about some story, and intellectual content of the melt into a story, so that can cause baby you want to close the knowledge of the aspirations of his desire to want to learn the knowledge, but also can cause. Not complete, understanding of the baby's ability, the ability to accept very limited. At this time, if the mother is always very "official" language and baby talk, or just seriously stressed the importance of learning, the baby of course there will be conflicting emotions. In this discourse and atmosphere, he naturally could not get the learning interest.

A talk about the story inspired by the baby's thinking: the mother to be able to understand that: stories, not just let your baby listen quietly enough. The mother should be good to use the contents of the small story, to inspire the baby to his own association, let him since childhood story of learning content, learning moral character. , Storytelling can not only transfer of knowledge, the educational process is a developing baby intelligence. Adaptable educational baby: mother baby story, does not necessarily have to be very rigidly in accordance with the storybook said, scratch it comes to the end of the word does not fall. Can be based on the reality of the baby's mother, little story to be adapted to meet the real situation of the baby. Through the stories and the baby's life scene, his empathy, this education will make it easier for him to accept. If the mother wants to encourage baby to learn and improve his interest in learning, it is necessary to find some little story of love of learning. Mother baby living in the scene can be compiled into a little story, when necessary, tell your baby to listen, guide to reflect on his own, so that he gradually fell in love with learning. Use appropriate child language: the so-called "child language" is not the mother refers to the imitation of the baby to eat fruit fruit "," to see the truck one of the "baby chamber". Such language is not only the syntax is confusing misnomer, but prolonged use is not conducive to the baby's language development. The real language of children is the mother to use simple semantic, short sentences, rich feelings, expressed in vivid and full of inspiring words. Mother to use such language to try to slow down the speech rate to be able to make it clear that every word, and inspired by the baby more Lenovo, in order to enliven his thinking. Of course, this language could not have been using the baby to the four-year-old, the mother should try our best not to use such language, let the baby to accept the normal way of speaking. Choose the right story: when telling stories to the baby, the mother does not necessarily have to be very rigidly in accordance with the storybook said, scratch it comes to the end of the word does not fall. Can be based on the reality of the baby's mother, little story to be adapted to meet the real situation of the baby. Through the stories and the baby's life scene, his empathy, this education will make it easier for him to accept. If Stay-up fishnet stockings the mother wants to encourage baby to learn and improve his interest in learning, it is necessary to find some little story of love of learning. Mother baby living in the scene can be compiled into a little story, when necessary, tell your baby to listen, guide to reflect on his own, so that he gradually fell in love with learning. Telling stories to the baby, the mother should choose a short story, the story is positive, but also readable. Parents do not baby understand that the story illustrates what the reason, this will hurt the baby's positive. Before telling stories to the baby, the mother can start your own browser again. Best not to classic is tinted, so may destroy the value of the interest in the baby to listen to the story and the story.

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